I haven't blogged my finances for almost 2 months, simple reason is that my finances aren't as bad as they used to be so I guess it's not a priority in my life but I am sure this will be the cause of me falling back where I started so am going to try blog at least twice a month. I have been living rent free for the past 2 months and been saving about R2500 but my car broke this month which also set me back about R2500 so even there. I need to have major repairs to my car in the next couple of months including a R5000 service in January. Next month is my 3 week long trip to East London and then I have got a small job in January and will make R1000 babysitting my nephews for a week that will cover my travel costs for this trip! How cool is that. I am also joining gym this next week too which will be my new entertainment for a while or until March next year. A new problem I have is that my healthy living is a bit hard on the finances so I need to relook my eating plan and budget accordingly.